Hourly Temperature Last 24 Hours (2024)

1. Amsterdam (Netherlands) last 24 hours weather - Met Office

  • Amsterdam last 24 hours weather including temperature, wind, visibility, humidity and atmospheric pressure. ... Wind gust in miles per hour, 11, 11, 13, 11, 11 ...

  • Amsterdam last 24 hours weather including temperature, wind, visibility, humidity and atmospheric pressure

2. Past Weather in Amsterdam, Netherlands - Time and Date

  • TodayHourly14 DaysPastClimate. Currently: 68 °F. Sunny. (Weather ... Amsterdam Weather History for the Previous 24 Hours. Show weather for: Previous 24 hours ...

  • Weather reports from the last weeks in Amsterdam with highs and lows

3. Past 24 hours in Amsterdam - Weather

  • Past 24 hours in Amsterdam The weather during the last hours ; 20:25 · 19:55 ; Clear · Clear ; 18°C · 19°C ...

  • The weather during the last hours. Past 24 hours in Amsterdam

4. Amsterdam, Netherlands Weather History

  • Record. High Temp, 64, 71, --. Low Temp, 64, 53, --. Day Average Temp, 64, 63, -. Precipitation (in), Actual, Historic Avg. Record. Precipitation (past 24 hours ...

  • star

5. Past Weather in Utrecht, Netherlands — Yesterday and Last 2 Weeks

  • TodayHourly14 DaysPastClimate. Currently: 70 °F. Overcast ... Utrecht Weather History for the Previous 24 Hours. Show weather for: Previous 24 hours ...

  • Weather reports from the last weeks in Utrecht with highs and lows

6. 24 Hour Change (Temperature, Dewpoint, RH, Pressure, and Wind)

7. London (Greater London) last 24 hours weather - Met Office

  • London last 24 hours weather including temperature, wind, visibility, humidity and atmospheric pressure. ... Wind gust in miles per hour, 8, 8, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ...

  • London last 24 hours weather including temperature, wind, visibility, humidity and atmospheric pressure

8. Past 24 Hour Conditions - Environment Canada

  • Hourly weather conditions summary for the past 24 hours. This includes conditions, temperature, humidity, dew point, wind speed/direction, air pressure, ...

  • Hourly weather conditions summary for the past 24 hours. This includes conditions, temperature, humidity, dew point, wind speed/direction, air pressure, visibility, and wind chill/humidex (when applicable)

9. Vancouver Int'l Airport - Past 24 Hour Conditions - Environment Canada

  • Hourly weather conditions summary for the past 24 hours. This includes conditions, temperature, humidity, dew point, wind speed/direction, air pressure, ...

  • Hourly weather conditions summary for the past 24 hours. This includes conditions, temperature, humidity, dew point, wind speed/direction, air pressure, visibility, and wind chill/humidex (when applicable)

10. Weather observations for the past three days for

  • Sky Cond. Temperature (ºF), Relative Humidity, Wind Chill (°F), Heat Index (°F), Pressure, Precipitation (in). Air, Dwpt, 6 hour ... Time (pdt), Wind (mph), Vis.

  • NOAA National Weather Service

11. Yesterday's Weather - Dublin Airport - Met Éireann

  • Past Weather Statements ... Gusts in Yesterday's Weather are displayed in km/h when there is a wind speed >10km/h higher than the average for that hour.

  • Met Éireann, the Irish National Meteorological Service, is the leading provider of weather information and related services for Ireland.

12. Past 24-Hours Regional Weather Records in Hong Kong

  • Past 24-Hours Regional Weather Records in Hong Kong. Please select time: | Back | Copyright and Disclaimer | Explanatory note | Chinese version |. QR code.

    See Also
    Smp Vs Cbpc

  • Past 24-Hours Regional Weather Records in Hong Kong Please select time: |  Back  |  Copyright and Disclaimer  |  Explanatory note  |  Chinese version  |

13. Historical Weather API | Open-Meteo.com

  • Hourly Weather Variables. Temperature (2 m). Relative ... Daily Parameter Definition. Aggregations are a simple 24 hour aggregation from hourly values.

  • Historical 🌤️ weather data from 1940 onwards with weather records dating back to 1940 and hourly resolution available for any location on earth. Retrieve decades worth of data in less than a second with our lightning-fast API. Dive deep into historical weather records, uncover trends, and gain valuable insights with ease.

14. Weather observations, weather cameras, UiT The Arctic University ...

  • Humidity last 24 hours. Scale 0 - 100% RH. Click for details. Rain icon. Click for details. Precipitation 0.0 mm last hour

  • Norway Norge Tromsø Tromso Tromsoe UiT Breivika Weather right now picture cam camera webcam timelapse video rain snow temperature humidity wind sun air pressure Vær akkurat nå bilde kamera webkamera video regn nedbør snø temperatur vind sol luftf*cktighet lufttrykk sensor data

15. Amsterdam, Netherlands Hourly Weather Forecast

  • Waning Half Last Qtr. icon. Sep 3. New Moon. Nearby Weather Stations ... time in the morning, or after this time in the evening. In the beginning of ...

  • Amsterdam Weather Forecasts. Weather Underground provides local & long-range weather forecasts, weatherreports, maps & tropical weather conditions for the Amsterdam area.

16. Observationer Sverige - SMHI

  • Latest observations. Search location. Search Search. Weather; Water; All stations. Air temperature today at 05:00. Humidity; Air pressure; Precipitation (hour)

  • Weather

17. Past 24 hours in İzmir - Weather

  • Today. Hour, Weather conditionWC, Tem. Wind, Hum. Pressure. 00:20, Clear, 28°C, 32 km/h, 45%, 1007 hPa. Yesterday. Hour, Weather conditionWC, Tem.

  • The weather during the last hours. Past 24 hours in İzmir

18. DEOS Home

  • Dewpoint Temperature Barometric Pressure Relative Humidity Solar Radiation 1-hr Rain 24-hr Rain Wind 1-hr Peak Wind Gust Radar Satellite. Air Temperature ...

  • The preferred method for filling data requests is through our web services, which provide data in an XML neutral format. This is ideal for anyone with recurring data needs. To access our web services, go to the sign up page to get an account.

19. Past Weather by Zip Code - Data Table | NOAA Climate.gov

  • How much rain fell over the weekend? What was the temperature over the last few weeks? Tables of daily weather observations can answer these common ...

  • How much rain fell over the weekend? What was the temperature over the last few weeks? Tables of daily weather observations can answer these common questions.

20. Maximum Temperatures | National Weather Forecasting Centre ...

  • Maximum Temperature (Last 24 Hours). Province, Station, Maximum Temp (°C), Date. Balochistan, NOKKUNDI, 45, 8 Aug, 2024. KPK, D-I-KHAN, 41, 8 Aug, 2024.

21. World Temperature & Rainfall Extremes - El Dorado Weather

  • 24 Hour Daily High and Low World Temperatures with Maximum World Precipitation / Rainfall including Northern Hemisphere High and Low Temperatures, ...

  • 24 Hour Daily High and Low World Temperatures with Maximum World Precipitation / Rainfall including Northern Hemisphere High and Low Temperatures, Southern Hemisphere, United States, Canada, Europe, & the United Kingdom High and Low Temperatures / Rainfall in Fahrenheit and Inches.

22. Near Real-time Rainfall Map - Sarasota County Water Atlas

  • 24 Hour Total Rainfall. 7 Day Total Rainfall. 31 Day Total Rainfall. View Full ... Use the buttons at left to display cumulative rainfall for the previous day, ...

  • This mapping application is designed to provide a summary of recent rainfall in Sarasota County, as measured by County-operated remote monitoring stations. Use the buttons at left to display cumulative rainfall for the previous day, week, or month for all stations. Click on a rainfall amount to open a popup window with a link to get station details, graphs of recent data, and a link to download the station's data.

23. Melbourne 24 hour Observations - Weatherzone

  • Melbourne 24 hour weather observations and graphs for wind, temperature, dew ... Observations. Latest. DATE & TIME. WIND(direction). WIND(km/h). GUST(km/h).

  • Melbourne 24 hour weather observations and graphs for wind, temperature, dew point, humidity, fire index, rainfall and pressure

Hourly Temperature Last 24 Hours (2024)


What is a 24 hour change in temperature called? ›

In meteorology, diurnal temperature variation is the variation between a high air temperature and a low temperature that occurs during the same day.

What is the most temperature change in 24 hours? ›

The greatest temperature variation in a single location in a 24-hour period is 57.2°C (103°F), recorded in Loma, Montana, USA, on 14-15 January 1972. Over the course of a day, the town experienced a rise from -47.7°C (-54°F) at 9 a.m. on 14 Jan to 9.4°C (49°F) by 8 a.m. on 15 Jan.

What is the difference between the maximum temperature and minimum temperature during 24 hours termed as? ›

This difference between the maximum and minimum temperature in a day is called the diurnal range of temperature.

What was the weather yesterday in New Jersey? ›

New Jersey Weather History for the Previous 24 Hours
9:12 pm66 °F93%
8:53 pm66 °F93%
7:53 pm66 °F96%
29 more rows

What is 24 hours in degrees? ›

The earth rotates 360∘ about its axis in about 24 hours.

What is 24-hour time also known as? ›

The 24-hour clock is also called railway/railroad time, military time and continental time. What is 12-hour clock time? The 12-hour clock runs from 1am to noon and then from 1pm to midnight. The 24-hour clock runs from 00:00 (midnight) to 23:59.

What is the hottest day of all time? ›

World: Highest Temperature
Record Value56.7°C (134°F)
Date of Record10 /7 [July] / 1913
Formal WMO ReviewYes (2010-2012)
Length of Record1911-present
InstrumentationRegulation Weather Bureau thermometer shelter using maximum thermometer graduated to 135°F
1 more row

What state has the least temperature change? ›

Lack of extremes

Among the U.S. states, Hawaii has both the lowest state maximum of 98 °F (36.7 °C) and the highest state minimum of 12.0 °F (−11.1 °C). Tropical ocean island locations such as Hawaii often have the lowest recorded temperature ranges, sometimes with a difference of as little as 62 °F (34.4 °C).

What is the coldest time in 24 hours? ›

Normally, the early morning hours right before and during sunrise. This is because by then the air near the ground has spent all night cooling before the sun heats it again after sunrise. Large weather systems and other factors can change this though, so it's not 100% of the time.

What is the difference between the temperatures of day and night called? ›

The difference in the maximum and minimum temperatures of a day is called diurnal range of temperature.

Which is the hottest place on Earth? ›

The hottest place on Earth is Furnace Creek in Death Valley, California (USA), where a temperature of 56.7°C (134°F) was recorded on 10 July 1913. In summer months, Death Valley has an average daily high of 45°C (113°F). This is only the air temperature, with surface heat much higher.

What is the difference between the daily maximum and minimum temperature called the diurnal range of temperature? ›

The difference between the maximum and minimum daily temperatures is known as the Diurnal temperature range. The difference between the hottest and coldest months, with monthly mean temperatures, is called the annual temperature range in each case.

What year was the coldest winter in New Jersey? ›

The coldest month on record was February 1934, when New Jersey's average temperature was 17.2 degrees, according to state records. Still, 1904 stands as the coldest year on record in New Jersey. The statewide average temperature that year was only 47.8 degrees, state records show.

What year did New Jersey get the most snow? ›

New Jersey's Snowiest Winter: 1995-1996.

This '90s winter covered New Jersey with the most snow of the century, and even without the blizzard, over 60 inches of snow fell in the state that year. “Every month from November to April in 1995 to 1996 reported above normal snowfall totals in New Jersey,” Dr.

What is the hottest it has ever been in New Jersey? ›

The all-time high temperature in New Jersey is 110 degrees, recorded on July 10, 1936 at a weather station near Old Bridge, according to Bob Ziff of the North Jersey Weather Observers.

What is the day to day changes in temperature called? ›

Weather is defined as the day-to-day changes in the atmosphere. This is induced by rainfall, temperature, sunshine, winds, moistire, etc.

What is a sudden change in temperature called? ›

Thermal shock is a phenomenon characterized by a rapid change in temperature that results in a transient mechanical load on an object. The load is caused by the differential expansion of different parts of the object due to the temperature change.

What is the name of temperature change? ›

“Global warming” refers to the rise in global temperatures due mainly to the increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. “Climate change” refers to the increasing changes in the measures of climate over a long period of time – including precipitation, temperature, and wind patterns.

What is the rate at change of temperature called? ›

The rate at the change of temperature is called Temperature gradient.

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.